2005-01-30 15:22 Ferien forbi

Det blev ikke til meget ferie i denne omgang. 10 dage helt præcist, hvilket jeg ikke syntes er så meget, når man tænker på at vi har haft læse ferie hele julen. Godt det aldrig kommer til at ske for mig igen.

Jeg fik dog lavet lidt fornuftigt. Ferien startede med regions mesterskaberne i indendørs fodbold, hvor jeg stillede op for mit kollegie hold. Forventningerne var store, da vi jo har vundet det de sidste 3 år. Desværre blev det kun til en 2. plads i år. I finalen tabte vi til vores hadnings modstandere Hornslet. De sidste 3 år har vi slået dem i finalen i regionsmesterskaberne, hvorefter vi har tabt til dem til jydske mester skaber, som de så har vundet det sidste 3 år. Alt i alt, så er en anden plads ok, da de 2 første hold går videre til jydske mesterskaber.


Jeg fik læst tre bøger: God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, Da Vinci mysteriet. De to første er 4'eren og 5'eren i Dune serien. En science fiction serie der handler om menneskets overlevelse i fremtiden. God Emperor of Dune er efter min mening den dårligste i serien, og var meget hård at komme igennem. Heldigvis bliver man positivt overrasket når man kommer til 5'eren. Heretics of Dune, som efter min mening er den bedste i serien. Alt i alt, er Dune serien stadig det bedste science fiction jeg har læst til dato.
Da Vinci mysteriet, er en bog som er blevet megt rost af forskellige kritikere og af andre folk jeg kender der har læst den. Efter min mening er det en ok krimi, men heller ikke mere end det.

Ud over det har jeg også fået søgt 2 studie jobs. Jeg får først svar engang i feburar, så der vil der komme yderlige info om det her på siden. Jeg har også været så heldig, at få lov at lave foreningen cyprianus medlems database. Så lige for tiden går alt min fritid på det.

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27.04.13 @ 13:39:36

Got it! Thanks a lot again for henlpig me out!

27.04.13 @ 10:18:48

that by learning porargmming we will come to buy nolvadex without rx see that All systems have embedded purposes, but I feel like that buy nolvadex without rx has more to do with understanding business plans than application design. Similarly, understanding the buy nolvadex without rx malleability of the computer as a platform has more to do with being able to buy nolvadex without rx download and access new software than it does with being able to buy nolvadex without rx program it (even I, who vastly prefer to do it myself than to use someone else's flawed solution, have to admit that 99% of the time it's more important that I can access and use other people's software than that I can create my own). This isn't something easily taught in schools, since letting kids use the buy nolvadex without rx computers as malleable tools quickly creates problems in both classroom management and buy nolvadex without rx IT (perhaps part of the reason that real digital learning happens outside of school).Part of the buy nolvadex without rx problem of course is that technology itself is so varied in its uses and buy nolvadex without rx its feature-set that we're often not even talking about the buy nolvadex without rx same thing when we talk about technology in school. Using second-life to buy nolvadex without rx mimic the classroom for a Model U.N. is certainly silly. But what buy nolvadex without rx about more down-to-earth uses of technology. For example, one reason I'm excited about getting the buy nolvadex without rx netbook:student ratio up in my school is that it will save time and buy nolvadex without rx money spent printing. For that purpose, basically all I care about is buy nolvadex without rx that a computer can access google docs. Revolutionary? No. Something that buy nolvadex without rx could integrate into classes and change the daily classroom reality yes. And the buy nolvadex without rx economics of looking for a machine that can adequately run google docs is buy nolvadex without rx quite different than that of looking for a machine that buy nolvadex without rx would be a good development box, or good for authoring multimedia (which I see he also considers last gen ).Meanwhile, our school has courses in porargmming robots (something that, except in vacuuming, enters very few of our students' lives), but no courses on designing web apps (something all of our students use all the time). We encourage students to buy nolvadex without rx use the full suite of google apps without teaching them about the buy nolvadex without rx importance of advertising revenue. But does the fact that google is buy nolvadex without rx basically an advertising company effect us in any way? Not really (they strip the ads from the education versions of products anyway). I'm also not sure that it's terrible not to teach kids to create web apps (though I certainly did do that when I taught porargmming).Similarly, I'm not sure that buy nolvadex without rx the students are wrong when they say the purpose of facebook is buy nolvadex without rx to make friends. Confusing the buy nolvadex without rx business plan of a company with the utility of an application to buy nolvadex without rx the end user may make for frightening distopian rhetoric, but I'm not sure how useful or buy nolvadex without rx accurate it is to a discussion of how we use technology.

27.04.13 @ 7:30:46

nothing is going to make your hair grow back.. The propecia will in a lot of cases slow or stop the pssrgeroion of hair loss.It doesn't work for all men but i have heard a lot of good things about it. I have also heard that the rogaine and propecia in combination works well.

27.04.13 @ 7:27:46

Wow - I can't believe all the potnis of similarity with my experience! I am thinking that I have gotten so consumed with my daughter's care precisely because my husband was so easy-going about it. And he was so uninvolved (relatively) because he could be, because I was doing all the hard stuff, plus all the anxiety and overwhelmedness that went with it. At one point I got so overstressed and angry that I exclaimed to him, "You don't know jack!" about her IEP, therapies, medical appts., etc. He took great offense. But he made it his mission to prove me wrong. To his credit, he caught up with the 7 years' worth of stuff he had missed, being the "fun" parent that came home at the end of day. This was so hard for me to accept at first - he was encroaching on my territory, my expertise... but really, wasn't that what I had wanted/needed from the beginning?Just this fall, my mom passed away, followed 3 days later by my grandma (her mom) , followed the next week by a brother's cancer diagnosis and 19-hour (!) surgery, followed immediately by my other brother's cancer recurrence... an unbelievable series of tragic events. Because my husband had gotten up-to-date with our daughter's needs, he was able to carry on with her while I tended to my family of origin, and for the first time EVER, I was able to let go of the special needs as the highest priority. What a surprising sense of relief that was! And, just this morning, I attended the annual IEP update (totally unprepared, as I have been out of town much of the school year so far), and it was OK. He took all the notes and asked all the appropriate questions. After 9 years, we have been able to forgive each other. I think we are a team again.

27.04.13 @ 7:06:01

Do An ANSWERS search and you will find Propecia users all say it has not heepld.After many years of research and self experimentation this was the only natural treatment I found that stops thinning and loss almost straight away and also produces new growth. My hair has completely regrown on crown. Where receded at front regrowth has been slower, but has virtually grown back to original hair line and though sparse at beginning, each month it became denser. Massage thoroughly with natural oils olive oil is excellent then using a palm held short bristled brush (soft natural boar bristles) brush vigorously so you really feel it stimulating scalp (90 /100 strokes or even more each day focusing on where loss is). After scalp adjusts you can increase brushing to 150 strokes. Will unplug blocked hair ducts indicated by painful small spots like pimples and a cause of hair loss and It will grow faster, thicker and It will force the new growth. Brushing before you apply oil is equally OK. A little shedding and breakage may occur at first but quickly stops as hair gets better anchored and stronger. Initially hairs will be weak looking and sparse. Don't be concerned if brushing uproots them as they will re-appear even stronger. It demands perseverance week in, week out to get the same results. I've found most do not persevere and so fail to get them. But have heard from some who have had equal if not better success. One of main causes of loss are harmful shampoos and even more harmful dandruff shampoos and too frequent washing. Do a Google to find safe, non harmful products then shop for them at GNC, Trader Joes, Wegmans, Cost plus, Earth Fare, some Walmart stores, and natural health stores.Genetics probably are a factor in hair loss. My immediate family members have severe loss. I believe this treatment saved me from the same fate. Try it you will be happy that you did!SOURCE(S): 20+ years research, self experimentation using natural treatments to cure skin, scalp and hair disorders

27.04.13 @ 6:40:36

Ame* Halleluj* % You're so fucking right G#d damn it. Truth laggaune, especially real words that real people actually use EVERY DAY over blind walk-off-a-mountain ignorant Puritan bullshit.Btw, if you don't like words like fuck, shit, bitch, pussy, cock, arse, cunt dick, then read a different comment NOW.

27.04.13 @ 6:33:23

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is misisng a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword .wait there's even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That's right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at.

27.04.13 @ 6:30:31

It's really great best job posntig , I haven't read such article or blog before for app Icon design, write more about how to create great design for mobile application.

27.04.13 @ 6:17:47

Chandra,It's amazing what you coenvy with the written word. I'm so sorry about all that you're going through all the little pieces of you that you've lost, but will slowly get back. And I am, of course, SO sorry about your loss. Words escape people after thoughts and life as intimate and true as yours are coenvyed but know that you are being thought about fondly with care, concern and love. Only the best is desired for you and Jacob. Prayers are being lifted up for you. I hope you can feel God's love for you in the midst of this time when you feel shattered .little pieces of you lost. He'll help glue you back together and fix you. Being broken for a while is okay, necessary, too. I've always loved that Coldplay song, by the way.

27.04.13 @ 5:52:07